Thursday, November 1, 2007


Yesterday was Halloween. It was fun. My son dressed like a skeleton zombie, and Miss Emma was a pink poodle. The day was very off yesterday. Emma was supposed to have therapy, I did not feel so hot when I woke up, so I called to cancel. I let Emma sleep in a little, I tried to wake her up 2 or 3 times before finally she got up at 9:30. Very unusual. Even if Emma sleeps all day, because lets face it even though she is 20 months old, she is very infantile, she'll still wake up to eat, no matter what. As soon as she took the last sip of her bottle, yes she still has a bottle, I would too if i couldn't hold my head up, she passed back out again. I went out, visited my hubby at his school, she was still asleep. I threw her costume on--soooo cute--brought her in for a visit, still pretty much asleep. Now normally I wouldn't worry so much because once and a while she'll pull this stunt and sleeps through the night then all day, but she'll be awake for the next week. She's been doing this since Monday, and now it's Wednesday. After I picked up my son and the neighbor's kids, they attend a sister school district for a better education, I finally was able to get her up at 5 when my mom and dad came up. I dressed her in her costume got Connor--my son--dressed, had all of the photo opts that i could take and started the trick or treating. Emma and I went to 3 houses to say we trick or treated and Connor, my hubby--Jason--and my dad, a.k.a. popsy, left for the whole 2 hours. They limit the time the kids can trick or treat around here. It is a good thing. There are so many kids in the area, I could picture myself answering the door until 10 at night!! Connor came home with 2 HUGE buckets of candy. Trust me it was enough time. Emma, my mom, a.k.a. nana, and I handed out candy. Emma stayed awake until 9, then we had to wake her up again for her last feed. She slept through the night again. After therapy today, she is now passed out again. I don't know what to do. She is cutting molars. Her cheeks are all red, but I know she is not sick, there is no temperature and no runny nose, cough etc. Her coping mechanism is to shut down when she is overwhelmed or over stimulated. With her diet that she is on for her seizures, she cannot have sugars. All baby meds, Tylenol and the like is flavored with sugar, so our options for pain control are limited, so if it is her teeth, she might just be turning herself off until the molar is not painful anymore. Babies are said to not feel pain like you and I do. I don't know. They also say they sleep when they're growing, my therapist even said that today. I will give her until tomorrow. She might just snap out of it. Not much the doctors will do. My gut tells me she's just going through a phase. She just went through the 'I'm never going to sleep again' phase, so maybe she is just catching up. I hate to bring her to the doctor and expose her to other kids' sicknesses. I am going for her 3 month ultra sound of her belly on Tuesday to rule out any masses. I am also meeting with the nutritionist to go over her diet and do a weight check. I might just pop over to the neurologist to see his opinion.

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